Before Donating
When you arrive at Life Plasma, you’ll be greeted by a receptionist who will review your documentation. Please arrive with the following documents:
- Driver’s License or Current photo I.D. (and a mail postmarked within last 30-days showing your new address, if different from the address on your current Photo I.D.)
- Social Security Card (Any official form containing Social Security Number like W2 or tax return)
It’s important to drink plenty of fluids before you arrive. Also, notify center personnel if you had recent surgery, you’ve obtained a tattoo or piercing within the past four months, or if you are taking medication or are under a doctor’s care for any medical condition.
If it’s your first visit you’ll be given a physical. On all visits, you’ll be asked to fill out a Donor History Questionnaire, and a center technician will take a small blood sample from your finger to check your protein and hematocrit levels.
To be eligible, donors must be:
- 18-70 years of age
- Weigh at least 110 pounds
- Be in good health

During the Donation
If the center staff determines that you are eligible to donate plasma, you will be taken to the donation area and seated in a comfortable reclining chair/bed, where a technician will sanitize your arm, insert the needle, and begin the donation process. Blood will be drawn, plasma will be separated from your blood, and red blood cells will be returned to your body through a process called plasmapheresis.
The whole process for a first-time donation is approximately two hours, and subsequent visits are little over an hour. Donors are able to donate twice in a seven-day period, and require at least one day between donations.
Life Plasma offers compensation for the time it takes for our donors to donate plasma. We also offer additional incentives for return donors to ensure that there is sufficient plasma for patients around the world that depend on your donated plasma for life saving therapies
Donating plasma is safe, convenient and rewarding